We have decided to Migrate away from Pastel and into Xero. The idea was to transition into a more actively developing cloud based software package that supports more payment gateways allowing us to offer more user-friendly options to you with realtime updates of account activity.
The process has already begun and we are currently running parallel until we are 100% satisfied with the transition. Watch this space for confirmation that we have decided to switch.
There will NOT be a change of banking details for EFT options. We will however allow for newer options via Netcash, whom we have been already using for over 15 years for our debit order processing, with their trusted platforms for credit card, instant EFT and others, including user friendly payment options via your mobile and other devices.
What you will experience after the migration is complete, is a slightly more modern invoice format, delivered electronically with direct links to payment gateways for that invoice….
Whats this space!