


Create a ticket by emailing support@pro2col.co.za with a full description of your request. Alternatively if you don't have access to email, you can create a ticket by clicking the red SUPPORT button below and to the right.

Download Teamviewer or Anydesk from the right, then open and leave running until our support session is complete. Do not use the keyboard and mouse during our remote session. (We cannot access your machine without your approval).

Submit your RustDesk or Teamviewer ID / PASSWORD or your AnyDesk ADDRESS in reply to the support ticket created or via Whatsapp for Business and we will initiate a remote session for your acceptance.

Note that all remote support work is billable. If you need more information regarding the billing, please enquire via your ticket first!



Fibre Services

Fibre Broadband Access is supplied as a best effort service by the Fibre Line Provider. Warranties on equipment/hardware supplied during the installation are held by the Fibre Line Provider or their chosen Representative and remain their property. In order to use the Fibre Data purchased a Fibre router is required, this router needs to be purchased by the client. Only approved (ICASA, SABS) hardware is permitted to be used, un-approved hardware connected to the Fibre Line by the client which proves to be interfering/causes damage to the service provided by the Fibre Line Provider or its infrastructure is not permitted. Any costs which arise due to damage and repairs caused by the connection of un-approved hardware by the client will be for the clients account.

Areas marked as available may not be Fibre ready at your particular address due to a number of factors. Pre-orders do not guarantee that Fibre will be available at your particular address once the planned project has been completed. Should we not be able to proceed with your application we will advise you thereof. Installations are typically completed within +- 30 days, this timeframe is however not guaranteed.

Fibre line installations and connections are subject to an installation and connection fee which is prescribed by the Fibre Line Provider. Additional fees may apply should trenching or additional cabling be required to complete the installation. Additional fees may also apply should a re-installation or indoor transfer (move line within the same premises) be required. Pro2col Lab, the Fibre Line Provider or its Contractor will make any additional charges known to the client and the client will be required to accept or reject these charges before the order is completed. Please note that should the service be ordered and the incorrect address is supplied, the client will be responsible for all charges relating to the order placed at the incorrect address.

An additional fee may be charged as prescribed by the Fibre Provider for re-grading the speed of a fibre line as well as outdoor transfers (new address) and transfers between Internet Service Providers. Downgrades may require 30 days' notice depending on the Fibre Provider, the earliest date for a downgrade request will be provided when submitting the request. Cancellations for fibre lines are only submitted at the end of each month, the cancellation request must be submitted via email to support@pro2col.co.za at least a calendar month before the cancellation date. Cancellation requests which do not adhere to a calendar months notice requirement are subject to Early Termination Fees which will need to be settled before the cancellation request is processed, this fee is prescribed by the Fibre Line Provider. Transfers between Service Providers are handled in the same manner as a new installation and are typically completed within +- 30 day, this timeframe is however not guaranteed.

An additional fee of up to R2 000.00 may be charged on faults logged which are found to be caused by faulty hardware or user error. This amount will be charged to your account once we are advised of the charges by the Fibre Line Provider.

By completing the order it is deemed that consent has been received from the landlord, owner or body corporate for the installation of the service.

The available capacity on the network is shared between all users. Acceptable Usage Policies are attached to Uncapped Services.


Uncapped Services

Uncapped services do not carry a usage limit (cap) but speeds will be limited to the speed of the Fibre line. The service is for personal use only and may not be resold, shared or used for commercial purposes. The use of our uncapped services by WISP's (wireless internet service provider) is strictly prohibited.
All uncapped products carry an Acceptable Use Policy, please take the time to read through it as important information is communicated there-in. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you also agree to the afore-mentioned AUP (Acceptable Use Policy).

Uncapped services are billed on a calendar month basis (1st to last day of the month) and payment is due in advance by the 1st of each month.



MTN Fixed LTE is available as a Capped or Uncapped service and is a best effort service with no minimum service levels guaranteed. Speeds will differ and no minimum speeds are guaranteed. Many factors determine the speed and quality of service which will be achieved such as but not limited to, distance, weather, interference around and within the property. Speeds may be limited to a maximum speed, this is dependant on the product purchased. Uncapped products are subject to an Acceptable Usage Policy.
The service is a monthly billed service which will continue on a month to month basis until cancelled. Cancellations require a calendar months' notice and must be submitted via email to support@pro2col.co.za (Purchases on Promotion may carry additional T's & C's), cancellations can be set up until 5pm on the last day of each month. The service can be set to change (upgrade/downgrade, capped to uncapped, uncapped to capped) at any time (before 5pm on the last day of each month) but the new service will only be effective from the 1st of the following month.

You are able to purchase additional data should your monthly allocation on your MTN Fixed LTE Capped service run out. This is a once off purchase. Unused topup data will rollover for one month. E.g. Purchase 10GB of Topup data on 15 October, 6GB is used up until 31 October, the remaining 4GB will be carried over to November and will be available to use up until 30 November, thereafter it will fall away. Data that has over run the available data total will be deducted from your next top-up. Example, 100GB purchased, 105GB used before capping takes place, top-up with 10GB only 5GB will be allocated.

Unused monthly data from your MTN Fixed LTE Capped service as well as topup data will rollover for 1 month. At the start of each month the rolled over data (monthly and topup) will be used first, once exhausted the monthly allocation will be used.

Night time data (where applicable) is free data that is available to use every day between 12am and 6am. Data used during these hours will be deducted from the Night time available data balance. When Night time data is depleted, the available monthly data will be used. Night time data is Promotional data and Pro2col Lab reserves the right to withdraw it should it be deemed necessary.

This service is a Fixed LTE service which is only available on LTE Technology (excludes 3G and 2G technologies). The service is only available at pre-defined locations as provided by MTN. During the sign up process availability will be determined according to the address provided, this is due to service availability being limited per location/area in order to provide an optimal service experience. The sim will be locked to the location provided at sign up, this location must also be the location where the first connection is made and cannot be used at another location. We reserve the right to permanently suspend and cancel a service that is found to be moved to different geographical locations often. MTN will allow one change in location per year, please provide us with 30 days' notice thereof in order for us to submit the request timeously. Should the new location not be within MTN Fixed LTE Coverage the service will need to be cancelled. The standard cancellation policy and applicable fees will apply.

Should a client opt to purchase their own device it must be one of the MTN approved Cat6 devices, please note that using a non-approved device will result in the service being blocked.

On the day of activation a prorata invoice and prorata data (where applicable) will be allocated and debited accordingly. Once delivered please allow up to 48 hours from the time the SIM Card is inserted into the device for the data to be allocated.

The purchase of the MTN Fixed LTE service is subject to RICA and you will be required to provide certain documentation when signing up as well as on delivery of the device/SIM, the requirements will be communicated to you. Your personal details will only be used for the purpose of RICA and for no other reason provided it is not required by law.

MTN Fixed LTE Uncapped products carry an Acceptable Usage Policy which may affect the speed of your service.


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