Home Automation with Home Assistant
Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Home Assistant is a free and open-source software for home automation designed to be a central control system for smart home devices with a focus on local control and privacy. Here are some links and guides to the powerful home automation system I use myself. Getting Started: https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/Installation: https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/Help: https://www.home-assistant.io/help/ If you wish to discuss
- Published in Home Automation, Technology, Videos worth watching
Blocking ads across your home or work network!
Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Tired of ads on your smartphone and smart TV? It’s no secret that online advertisements can sometimes disrupt your web browsing experience. Even on mobile, it’s impossible to escape banner ads, pop-ups, and other unwelcome distractions. Phone and TV manufacturers have also started sneaking advertisements into Android skins and interfaces. Thankfully, there’s a way to
- Published in Networking, Technology
Beware downloading pirated movies during lockdown
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Microsoft has warned users of a significant increase in malware and ransomware embedded into illegal downloads of movies and other media. See full story on Beware downloading pirated movies during lockdown mybroadband.co.za
- Published in Technology